January 11, 2012

Weekly Review

The first week wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  My biggest hurdle in this diet is the smells of food...they are EVERYWHERE!  The morning shake is easy since Caitlyn eats breakfast at school and Jared eats while I'm getting ready.  Lunch is easy, I've been bringing stuff for wraps or the other day I had a grilled chicken breast and broccoli steamed in the microwave and then I have a yogurt or cottage cheese.  The snacks are easy a hard boiled egg in the morning and an apple or almonds in the afternoon.  The shakes fill me up so I'm not hungry in between.  Dinner is hard.  Jared and Caitlyn eat and whatever they are having (even if it's fish sticks and instant mashed potatoes which I hate) it smells so good and I want to cheat.  But I haven't.  I've been strong.  And it paid off. 

Monday was my first cleanse day and that was hard.  No food.  All. Day. Long.  I drink this berry juice 4 times throughout the day and take these chalky chewable tablets and that's it.  I was feeling a little lightheaded in the afternoon so I had a half an apple.  They only recommend having a 1/4 an apple, but I had a half and it helped.  But by the time I got home I was so done with the day altogether.  I ended up going to bed at 8:30 after Caitlyn was in bed and Jared took care of Cole and put him down for me.  I woke up feeling fine.  Not even starving like I thought I would be.  Monday night I told Jared I didn't think I could do another cleanse day...

I exercised 4 days the past week.  Beth and I found a bunch of workout videos on Netflix...should be interesting.  No running now...it's snowing here and windy as all get out! 

Weekly Weigh In:  205  ( you read that right...I lost 9 lbs!!!)  I can't wait to be under 200...next week maybe?

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