January 4, 2012

Today A New Journey Begins

Today I start my new weight loss journey.  A good friend of mine convinced me to do the Isagenix program with her and I convinced the hubby to let me do it.  It's not cheap.  I'm hoping that I can jump start my weight loss and start healthy habits and then keep them up without having to keep buying the product.  I'll probably do at least a couple of months if the first month goes well.  We're taking a trip to see family in May to Florida and I want to be able to wear a swimsuit and not feel overly self conscience in the process.  I just want to enjoy myself and the kids while on the beach!  If I didn't have this "deadline" I know I could do this on my own without the help of any program.  I've done it before.  It's hard work but it's totally doable.  But I've put it off because it's so hard. 

So I'll have a shake for breakfast and for dinner and a sensible lunch with 400-600 calories.  They also have recommended snacks and once a week you do a cleanse where you just drink their drinks all day and don't eat anything.  My friend's friend who got her to do this said that the first cleanse day is the hardest....I'm not looking forward to that! 

I'm also going to be working out at home and with my sister.  Eventually I'd like to join the gym again because that worked so well for me last year.  But right now with 2 children who don't sleep through the night and trying to get into a routine with 2 kids and work and everything I just can't commit to the gym at this time. 

I've decided to be totally open and honest on this journey and I'm going to do a weekly weigh in.  Hopefully this will help keep me accountable! 

I'm starting at 214 lbs.  (I'm actually scared to post this!) I was going to post my before picture...but I just can't do it right now.  It's bad! 

1 comment:

  1. You've been through much harder things, you can do this!!
