February 28, 2012

Weekly Review

Its been awhile.  It's been a bad couple of weeks.  No motivation to exercise.  No motivation to eat healthy.  A little depressed and a lot angry at myself for making the wrong decisions and not sticking to my healthy goals. 

My Dr. took 45 min to talk to me about diet and exercise yesterday.  The nurses were ringing him to come out by the end of our talk.  He's very much into the low carb diet and some of it makes sense but I don't agree with all of it.  But he gave me some good pointers and got me thinking and motivated again. 

So here I am starting over again.  I CAN DO THIS!  It is hard but I know I can!  Its going to take discipline on my part.  I have to make the right decisions not based on what everyone else is doing or eating but what is good and right for me! 

Here I go...

Weekly Weigh In: 198 lbs (total of 16 lost since the first of the year)

February 16, 2012


I'm not in a review mood so I thought I'd share this instead....

"Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."


February 8, 2012

Weekly Review

Not a horrible week by any means but a little disappointing.  Last Thursday I weighed myself and I was under 200.  Then the weekend came and the Super Bowl party with lots of unhealthy choices and come Monday morning I was just over 200 again.  Hopefully next Monday I'll be below by a couple of lbs...I'm certainly looking forward to being under 200 and never hitting that number again! 

I'm doing the shakes twice a day.  Always one for breakfast and then usually one for lunch but every once and awhile I eat lunch out and have a shake for dinner.  My problem still seems to be for my one meal making a healthy choice and portion control.  If I could get those things under control I know the weight will start to just melt right off.  I am getting comments from people that they can see the difference with the weight I've already lost.  My pants are little looser around the waist.  Last night while on the elliptical my workout pants were falling down.  I know that's a good problem to have!  I know the food choices are MY choice and I have to have the self control to make the healthy choice regardless of what everyone else is doing.  Monday night we went to Buffalo Wild Wings (we go every Monday with my brother, his girlfriend, sister & family and a cousin of ours) and I ordered a grilled chicken salad (healthy choice) but I got the ranch dressing because that's what sounded good (not a health choice).  I suppose it's good I'm making small changes and hopefully soon my mind will get fully on board with the rest of the changes that need to be made!

Last week I was sick with a cold and was miserable along with Cole.  So I didn't work out until Saturday but since then I worked out Saturday, Sunday and yesterday.  I'm loving the streaming workout videos on Netflix!  I get different workouts without having to buy all the video's!  Last night I also did 30 min on the elliptical!  I feel so good when I work out!

Weekly Weigh In: 200.5 (total of 13.5 lost) 

February 6, 2012

Friend Makin' Monday - Habits

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
FMM: Habits 
  1. Are you proactive, or do you procrastinate?  Procrastinate
  2. Do you eat breakfast everyday? Yes - right now I'm drinking an IdealShape shake every morning for breakfast. 
  3. How much time do you spend watching TV on an average day?   Probably an hour and a half to two hours.  I have way too many shows on DVR.... 
  4. Do you talk on the phone, or do you prefer e-mail and/or text messages? I don't talk on the phone much anymore but I miss it.  There is just more convenience with email / test messages.
  5. Do you exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening? In the evenings after the kiddo's go to bed.  I've tried morning workouts but I just can't get up any earlier in the mornings. 
  6. Do you take time for yourself regularly?  Depends on the definition of regularly...I do get pedicures about once a month and I consider my evening tv time my time.  Other than that...not really. 
  7. How often do you make your bed? I only half make it in the mornings.  I usually only make the bottom half so it's ready for me to go to bed at night again.  A lot of times I don't even do this until right before bed time. 
  8. Do you plan meals? If so, how far in advance?  We try to plan meals once a week before we go to the grocery store.  Sometimes we are really good about and other times not so much. 
  9. Do you wake up at the same time everyday? Weekdays the alarm goes off at 5:30am and weekends the kids usually have me up by 7 and that's if I'm lucky! 
  10. How often do you brush your teeth?  Once a day first thing in the morning.  I'm trying to get into the habit of brushing my teeth with my daughter at night as well but I'm usually multi-tasking something else while she's doing hers.