April 18, 2012

Half Way There

As of today I've lost 25 lbs!  I'm so excited about this.  I wish it was more.  It probably would be if I could keep the motivation to work out more than once or twice a week.  But I'm using sleep deprivation as an excuse and I'm sticking to that.  But this is half way to my goal of 50 lbs!  I'm thinking by the end of summer I can be there!  Just in time for the temptations of the holiday's.  Ugh. 

I've got the food thing under control for the most part.  I don't deny myself of anything completely.  My portion control has gotten way better!   I'm eating a lot  more veggies than I used to and a lot less carbs!  Tonight we're going to try spaghetti squash.  Wish me luck! 

April 10, 2012


I was reading this girls post from when she was first starting her weight loss journey and she posted this bible verse.  I'm struggling with the discipline and it fits so perfectly to how I'm feeling right now. 

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, 
it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have 
been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11