May 22, 2012

A New Beginning

“Don’t let a lapse turn into a collapse.”  I read this quote on another blog and it fits for me right now.  Just because I haven't been diligent in my eating habits the past few weeks doesn't mean that this journey has ended.  The roll down the hill started before vacation and hasn't yet ended.   Today I'm starting fresh.  I can envision my goal and what that looks like.  I want this so badly and so I'm making it a point to envision what I will look like at my goal weight whenever I want to make a bad food choice.    

I'll text people for support like my wonderful sister who helped me today by telling me that if I cave and get the snickers from the vending machine my work out tonight will only be to work off the snickers.  I wanted more than that from my workout.  So I stayed strong like she told me to be.  It's not easy but I can do this! 

I'll count on my hubby to hold me accountable.  I stubbed my pinky toe tonight and tore part of the nail off.  It hurt so bad and was bleeding.  I cleaned it up but it hurt when I put my tennis shoes on to go work out.  I was tempted to not go at all but Hubby said to go and at least do some of the weight machines if I wasn't up to the cardio machines.  Well I tried and ended up doing 10 min on the stair climber and 30 min on the elliptical and then used the weight machines working my legs!  Go me!!!

On Sunday I signed up for a membership at the gym.  I’m really excited about this.  I miss going to the gym.  I want to have the motivation to workout at home but I just can't keep it up.  I seemed to be much better about going to the gym and working out before getting pregnant with Cole so I'm hoping that's still the case.  Plus this gym has an outdoor pool and they gave us 8 free family passes to use at the pool this summer!  I did my first workout with my friend Stacey on Sunday night and my abs and arms are so sore!  Workout # 2 is tonight! 

My weight loss goal is to lose 25 more lbs by the kids birthdays in September.  I know I can do this.  It took me 4 1/2 months to lose the first 25 and I know I can do another 25 in less than that if I get my mind in the game.  I need my friends and family to hold me accountable.  Sunday afternoon after visiting the gym and getting the tour Jared suggested getting ice cream and I turned him down!  And he was proud of me!  Some days are going to be harder than others but the hard days can't stop me from meeting my ultimate goal. 

In the past 3 weeks I've gained some weight back.  So my fresh start is at 189 lbs.  Here I go!!!